Senior FOREVER® Ambassador Carrie Koster and I
can provide as much help as you need to bring your
photo history to life — video files as well.

Why FOREVER®? That’s easy! It’s the only platform of
its kind — expressly designed to preserve and share
the visual, audio, and written history of individuals,
families, and organizations.


FOREVER® protects your content.

FOREVER® does not compress your content. Your images are always stored as full-resolution files. Supported file types are:

IMAGES .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, .webp
VIDEOS .mp4, .avi, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .wmv, .mkv, .m4v, .mts, .m2ts
AUDIOS .mp3, .m4a, .wma, .ra, .mka, .ac3, .aac, .ogg, .flac, .wav
DOCUMENTS .pdf, completed Artisan® and FOREVER® Print projects

FOREVER® is permanent.

You don't rent storage, you OWN it. Pay for it once, and you own it for your lifetime + 100 years — Guaranteed! FOREVER stands apart from other photo storage services — focused squarely on providing you with a permanent digital home that will last for generations, plus you can pass it on to future generations.

FOREVER® is affordable.

A 10-gigabyte account is only $199. No hidden fees, and no recurring costs.The more space you purchase, the price per GB decreases. For example, a 25-GB account is $399. After four years of serious archiving of my personal photos and history, I’ve used only 35 GB of storage, and many of my files are quite large.

FOREVER® is private.

FOREVER® Storage does not sell or mine your data for use by third-parties. There’s no data mining or advertising in FOREVER. It’s your content, and you own it so you retain all rights to it. Always.

FOREVER® is secure.

Your files are backed up in globally diverse locations and secure, so you know that your history is protected for generations. Want to know more about our technology?

FOREVER® is mobile.

FOREVER’s free mobile app lets you upload and access your photos, videos, and documents wherever you go using any device.

FOREVER® is fun.

It’s a great place to celebrate your memories by connecting, sharing, and collaborating with friends and family. Plus you can quickly and easily create photo books, calendars, cards, and photo gifts for any occasion!

Getting started is the only hard part of creating your history, so Carrie and I make that easy!
Go to my Contact Page to let me know what you are interested in doing, and either Carrie or I will be in touch. It really is that easy!

See how FOREVER lets you
preserve your history.

Try it out with a Free Account.
I'll even help you get started.


Need to reach me in a hurry?
Try the phone first. I hate texting; it’s ruining the English language. I can solve problems much faster on the phone, and my mind works much better in the morning :-). I'm in Pennsylvania, which is in the Eastern Time Zone.

Reach me at 717-644-8115.

Check out the Contact forms.
If you know what kind of help you need, go to the Contact page and chose a contact form option. Complete the applicable form so that I can save time in helping you with your needs.